
Handy things!




-avatar {@member}

Sends the profile picture of the mentioned member

-avatar @Rensjuh


Shows the ping of Otay!


-poll {question}

Let your members decide!

-poll Is Otay! a good bot?


Sends all the info about your server!



Sends the stats of Otay!


-userinfo {member}

Sends the userinfo of the mentioned user

-userinfo @Rensjuh


Sends the current price for bitcoin



Creates a permanent invite link to the server


-weather {city}

Send the current weather in that city

-weather London

-wikipedia {term}

Defines the term with information from wikipedia

-wikipedia Discord

-qr {site}

Sends a QR Code

-qr https://otay.cf

-translate {language} {sentence}

Tranlates your sentence

-translate fr Hello, im Otay!

Last updated