
Keep your server behaved!




-kick {@member} [reason]

Kicks a member from the server

-kick @Rensjuh Being cool

-ban {@member} [reason]

Bans a member from the server

-ban @Rensjuh Being cool

-unban {member}

Unbans a banned member

-unban Rensjuh#2787

-warn {@member} {reason}

Warn the member

-warn @Rensjuh Example

-warnings {@member}

Shows the warnings of the member

-warnings @Rensjuh

-nick {@member} {newname}

Gives a member a nickname

-nick @Rensjuh Nickname

-purge {amount}

Deletes the chosen amount of messages

-purge 10

-mute {@member}

Mutes a member

-mute @Rensjuh

-unmute {@member}

Unmutes a member

-unmute @Rensjuh

-lock {#channel}

Locks a channel

-lock #general

-unlock {#channel}

Unlocks a channel

-unlock #general


Mutes everyone in the voice channel



Unmutes everyone in the voice channel



Kicks everyone in the voice channel


-slowmode {seconds}

Adds a slowmode delay to the chat

-slowmode 10


Shows the last deleted message


Last updated